Final Project Website: User Test 2 (Beta)
Working Title: Geocaching with Kids in the Bay Area
Report Author: Diane E. Main
Date: December 7, 2008
Brief Profile of Users
Four people tested the site:
• soccer instructor, works with children, has gone geocaching, parent
• middle school teacher, novice geocacher, parent of infant
• middle school instructional aide, non-geocacher*, parent
• middle school instructional aide, non-geocacher*, parent of adult children
* These individuals have heard school staff discuss geocaching.
Think Aloud Task
Find out what geocaching is. What would be the next thing you would want to find out, and why?
Summary of Think Aloud
• All users went to the “What is” page and read it. Three then went on to the definition page, while one skipped it and went instead to the variants page.
• Three users went next to “What You Will Need,” and the fourth considered that before going to “Getting Started” instead.
• One user recommended introducing the bulleted list of “What You Will Need” and guiding users to continue on to the subsequent text after the bulleted list.
• Three users wondered out loud if a GPS receiver was needed, and asked using and obtaining one.
• Two users wanted to know what “swag” was and its importance.
• One user pointed out terms and concepts that may intimidate new users, including latitude and longitude, GPS, Google Earth, and the large number of geocaches hidden worldwide.
• All users enjoyed the color scheme and found the navigation section easy to understand and operate. They liked the pictures.
Summary of Post-test
• Regarding whether users preferred links that open new browser windows or stay in the same window, two preferred new windows, one preferred the same window, and one had no preference.
• Regarding clarification of jargon and other terms, users would like those terms to link to definitions or Wikipedia pages on the topics.
• One user brought up a topic not covered on the site: “muggles” (non-geocachers) and how to avoid arousing their suspicion. This user also felt an explanation of latitude and longitude should be included on the site (in addition to possibly linking to more external information).
• Both non-geocachers commented on learning new things, such as the existence of clubs and environmental activities.
• One user said the black body text on pages was harder to read than the headings and navigation links.
Findings To Be Implemented
• I will make links to other web pages for some concepts throughout the site.
• I will add introductory text to “What You Will Need” page.
• I will clarify “swag” and its purpose.
• I will explain what “muggles” are and how to remain stealthy.
Findings That Will Not Be Implemented
• I will not change the black body text because only one user commented on it.
• I will not change links to external sites so they open in new browser windows at this time. I would like to ask more users about their preference first.